Transformative Play Party Facilitation Training
by Dr. Hazel-Grace
A 3 month training of conscious play party methodology which focuses on safety, connection, play, and pleasure.
A Trauma, REPAIR, and Power Dynamic Conscious Training.
July 1 - October 2, 2024 | 60 Hour Training
Training Program Cost: $2,300
This 3-month training centers Hazel-Grace’s conscious play party methodology which focuses on safety, connection, play, and pleasure. This is a trauma, REPAIR, and power dynamic conscious training. It welcomes and cultivates leaders who are committed to the evolution of sexuality through empowerment, inclusivity, holistic wellness and the celebration of the erotic. Together, we are privileged to create a world where there is pleasure without shame and conscious consent is celebrated.
For over 9 years Hazel-Grace has facilitated play parties to thousands of brave participants. Their feedback shares experiences of liberation, healing, and clearing of sexual and body shame. Hazel-Grace has also been a group facilitator for 23 years. They began training facilitators in 2018 with The Authentic Leadership Training. They LOVE teaching, and especially love teaching how to teach.
Components Included In The Training
The REPAIR Process Self Paced Course
4 Day Retreat In Nevada City, CA - Lodging and Meals Included: August 8-11
Facilitate a play party in Nevada City with your cohort - August 10
Facilitate a play party in your home town: August - September
3 Group Pre-Post Training Calls
Who is this training for?
This training is for people who already have experience and professionally work in the sex-positive field and/or group facilitation. This training is not designed for beginners to this field.
We are looking for:
People who have some training or experience with topics such as: somatic based trauma resiliency, queer inclusivity, group facilitation, authentic relating, sexual healing, sex education, consent, REPAIR, and/or power dynamics.
Leaders who are inspired by innovative collaboration and thrive on lifting one another up to continue to shine.
Professionals who are committed to taking responsibility for their experience. Who are doing their deep inner work and are willing to be with their tender parts in service of continuing to come more into wholeness.
What You Will Walk Away With
The primary focus of this training is for you to confidently be able to facilitate HG’s Signature Embodied Conset Flow. This is a solid foundation for any type of transformative play party.
REPAIR Skills - These skills are applicable in any and all relationships: personal, clients, loverships, and most importantly as a community leader.
Facilitation Skills - You will get a chance to lead and facilitate various exercises with your cohort as well as receive celebrations and feedback.
The ART of Facilitation - You will learn how to be a facilitator that brings both dignity and humility to your practice which creates trust and safety with your group.
Trauma Conscious Facilitation Skills - While you will learn these skills through HG’s Signature Embodied Consent Flow, these skills are transferable to leading and teaching your own content as well.
Right Use of Power - We will explore how you can responsibly inhabit your power while creating safety for your participants.
Event Production - The cohort will be putting on a real live play party in Nevada City, which will include event production skills and practice.
Course Content
Hazel-Grace's Signature Embodied Consent Flow
The REPAIR Process™
Trauma Conscious Facilitation Skills
Right use of Power (based on Dr. Cedar Barstow’s work)
The ART of Leadership (based on Sara Ness's work)
Queer Inclusivity (based on Terra Anderson’s Queer Competency Certification Program)
About Hazel-Grace’s Signature Embodied Consent Flow
Hazel-Grace has created a baseline flow of exercises that incorporate embodied consent which teaches people how to navigate consent by way of attunement.
In this training you will get to experience the flow yourself, practice facilitating with your cohort members, facilitate this flow at a real play party in Nevada City, CA, and facilitate in your home town.
The embodied consent flow weaves together concepts from:
~ Wheel of Consent (based on Dr. Betty Martin)
~ Somatic Sex Education & Sexological Bodywork (from Somatic Sex Educators Association)
~ Authentic Relating and Circling (based on Integral Center and Authentic Revolution)
~ Trauma-Informed Somatic Training (Bridging Soma and Soul Certification)
The REPAIR Process Self Paced Course (20 hours)
Everyone will complete The Art of REPAIR virtual self-paced course BEFORE the in-person retreat. This is a 20 hour course that will include watching videos, reading, and practicing the exercises in The REPAIR Process workbook.
At the beginning of the training we will review the REPAIR Process. As a community we commit to using this process if there are upsets within the training.
July 1 - August 9, 2024
Submit Application
Interviews will happen on a case by case basis
Once you are accepted, you will send a $500 non-refundable deposit to secure your spot
Application Process
Details & Logistics
July 1
Pre Training Group Call (2 hours)
July 1 - August 9
The REPAIR Process Self Paced Course (20 hours)
August 7
Retreat lodging available the night before training begins
August 8-11
In Person Training Retreat in Nevada City, CA (30 hours)
August 8
10:00 am Start time
August 11
6:00 pm End time
August 10
Transformative Play Party Facilitated by the cohort
August 12
Retreat lodging available through 10am
August 21
Post Training Zoom Integration Call (2 hours)
August - September
Facilitate your very own play party in your home town (4 hour minimum)
October 2nd
Debrief Play Party Zoom Celebration and Integration Call (2 hours)
Training Retreat Location:
Nevada City, CA (nearest airport - 75 minutes drive from Sacramento, CA)
Our AirBnB: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/773982141506734164?source_impression_id=p3_1709344167_0iHaVafOouSjTBA%2B
Each bedroom will have 2-3 people staying in the rooms.
No one will be required to share a bed.
Some of the beds will be mattresses on the floor.
Accessibility: There is a set of stairs to enter the house.
Meals will be a co-creation. The menu and food will be provided. Everyone will take shifts helping prep and clean up of the meals. There will be two assistants who will be guiding and managing the bulk of the meal production.
Meals during the training retreat:
We are so blessed to live near the Yuba River! At least one of our days we will take an optional trip to the river to bask in the refreshing magical waters of the sacred Yuba.
The Yuba River:
Miscellaneous Topics:
Power Dynamics
During the training Hazel-Grace may participate in the structured exercises guided by the cohort.
They will not escalate any relationship within 6 months after the training.
Hazel-Grace has a professional mediator. If you ever feel harmed in any way and do not feel comfortable bringing this to them.
Hazel-Grace has experience facilitating professional play parties in sober spaces free of drugs and alcohol.
Participants of the training agree to be sober and not partake in altering substances (drugs, marijuana, or alcohol) during formal training time. (prescribed medications, sugar, caffeine and tobacco are permissible).
Queer Inclusivity
You will learn ways to create queer inclusivity. Including who to include or not include and why. We will have group wisdom sharing so that we can learn from one another in this arena.
You will glean insights informed by Hazel-Grace’s training with Terra Anderson through the Advanced Queer Competency Certification Program.
Logistic Coordinators
The logistic coordinators will be supporting the logistics of this training such as communications, materials, meal management etc. When the coordinators are not managing the logistics, they will be participating fully in the training alongside the cohort participants. If they have a desire to relate to any of the cohort participants, they commit to having a power aware and responsible conversation.
What does “Transformative” mean?
Hazel-Grace defines transformative as going through an experience and transforming in a way that one cannot go back to the way they were before said experience.
The core motivation for Hazel-Grace’s play party methodology is to create environments where people can experience healing, empowerment, and awakenings around their body, consent, pleasure, sexuality, connection, desire, and spirit.
BIPOC Inclusivity
Although Hazel-Grace has spent years in training and private coaching around anti-racism and BIPOC inclusivity, they will not be leading any formal teachings in this realm.
We will have group wisdom sharing so that we can learn from one another in this arena.
While they have successfully created gender diversity in their events, they have not seen a big shift in BIPOC diversity. Therefore, they do not feel versed in formally leading BIPOC inclusivity teachings at this time.
Teachings Not Included In This Training:
Marketing and Advertising - I will offer you event copy/description you may use for your events. While you may use the cohort for support around marketing, there will not be formal teachings around marketing.
Vetting Participants - Some play parties have a vetting process. Because HG spends 90 minutes at each play party during the opening circle, does not allow drugs and alcohol, and has a following of participants who show up with consent integrity, HG opens their events to the public and does not use a vetting process.